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For over 30 years I have researched Religion, Science and Philosophies and continue to do so. It has been my quest to know how to integrate mind, body and soul. The Awareness of how to live in joy, peace, and power over my own destiny. Co-create my life, move the Mountains and Walk on water ...How about you? I will share my thoughts, revelations and resources; thru Newsletters and programs designed so that you may also become Aware on how to live the Abundant Life. Click the link to my virtual Office and let me help you live the Abundant life Now ! Or go to my website to recieve my Newsletter "Living Awarenesss"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Trellis of Love.............


The root meaning of the Latin and Greek Word translated as “Rule” is “Trellis”
Rules and guidance establishes
A framework on which a child can grow.
Remember also that just as The plant climbing a Trellis
is allowed to find its' own path within that structure;
Without anymore interference…
too grow into its own unique and beautiful pattern.
So it is with children….
The space in which the plant moves is open, albeit not without boundaries.
Guiding the plant too not only grow out
But to “Grow Up”,
reaching towards the warmth Of the Creators’ Love


I wrote this one day when I found out that the word for rules was rooted in Trellis...pun intended.

I wrote this as a reminder to myself to give my one year old son at the time structure in the form of
rules. That each time I did instruct him with something he didn't necessarily want to hear....that it would help him grow up so to speak reaching for the sky instead of bent over and crawling on the ground only to be trampled on.

Today he is 9 and I still have to remind myself of this...especially since his resistance and arguments are getting more intense or clever.

However..........just now as I was posting this and going to leave it as is...I thought do we ever stop needing a, structure, something tangible to lean upon. I know I do.

Isn't that why organized doctrine and religion continues to flourish even without at times the intention or spirit of love as it's backbone. Some look to government, family, jobs. Rules of how things are done or suppose to be. Beliefs...takes on all kinds of forms. Finding answers on how to do this thing called life.......successfully. Today and through out history.

The bottom line is we all want to be supported, guided to reach for the stars. It is easier with support or defined rules of how to do so than struggle against gravity by ourselves. When we get tired we can just lean on our trellis in whatever form that takes for us and rest for a while until we get a second wind to achieve another growth spirt.

The funny thing is as much as we want the security of the structure and support we rail against it at the same time. Imagine if a plant..........a beautiful rose bush tried to pull away from the trellis it was tied too.
If it succeeded it would fall to the ground and begin to creep along becoming more wild looking as the weeks passed.
No...the roses don't resist when attatched they just willingly and freely fill every rail climbing as High as the Trellis will take them.

There are rules established for all of our safety and benefit. Human rules change with the social needs of that generation.

However spiritual laws never change. Mainly the law of LOVE............or a another way to describe it is the principle of LOVE.
How is that a rule..........well...........think of it more like a structure a unchanging firm and solid support that will help each and everyone of us reach for the Light.
And in so doing we can grow in magnificent beauty.......Blessing all that behold us and breath in our fragrance.

We were all created by love. That is our Trellis while planted and rooted on earth. We all are bound by LOVE...How much LOVE do we have in our lives.?

In our Family, friends, vocation, hobbies, jobs, careers, we want love in all of it.
We search endlessly in all areas for love. It is the only solid Force and genuine Structure and support we need to reach our potential.

If we don't resist Love in all the forms that it reaches out TO us, and if we don't resist love trying to reach out THRU us we will be at peace. If we relax into Love and let Love guide us upward and onward.

Where the Law of Love is....... there is Liberty or Freedom....Love unto others as you would have others love unto you....Love others AS you love yourself......easier said then done sometimes.

Honestly I feel myself resist that last line...why? Because all the people that irritate me pop right in my thoughts.
How about you? And do you also feel justified for NOT acting very loving towards them....So I take a second to think about that......I quite my mind chatter with this.......

Imagine that Love is the Trellis you are bound to.........just relax into it.......don't resist........feel the support of Gods Love...............let it fill you with comfort and security that it will always be will NEVER let you its' very nature CAN NOT let you are bound together........
Imagine that you CAN grow stronger, upward by leaning upon the Trellis of LOVE.
By doing so you will grow more and more intertwined and enmeshed..........what would that feel aren't Alone......Always supported.
As I close my eyes and breath deeply it feels good, big, comforting, secure and peaceful.
Now it doesn't seem so difficult to extend Love out does it.

What comes to me is the image of Jesus willingly being bound to the cross, his trellis so to speak. An example of what a life can accomplish in love for generations after.
The Power of the resurrection that each of us can experience NOW while living out our days.

Life can be renewed and breathed into any situation no matter how dismal and dead it may appear today....Tomorrow it can be renewed and transformed by LOVE.
Your relationship with yourself, with God, with yourself and others, with your job or lack thereof, in your finances...........imagine LOVE breathing life into your most difficult situation and resurrecting it this Easter Season as Spring evolves and you witness the flowers bloom.

So I will remind myself of this...even if I let go...I will not fall.
Helping me to handle the worries and many irritations that come my way. To let go of them and hang onto the Trellis of Love.
Weathering and being equally grateful for the rain as well as the sunshine that beats down on my life.

This moment I am grateful for the rules and secure unchanging structure of LOVE that support and guide me onward and upward.

May the Trellis of Gods Love..........breath springtime Resurrection into us as we seek to hold on and trust in his Love,


Saturday, February 21, 2009


You Have a Secret Key that will Empower your Awareness……..

It’s not often I come across something as unique and
enlightening as this, and when I get to offer it as a gift, it’s sure icing on the cake!

Did you know that you have a secret key?

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To your highest path,


Saturday, October 18, 2008

“My Angel”

I just want to tell you…all the things you are…and all the things you mean to me.
When I found myself in need, Faith would lead me on
I would feel you calling me inside my soul
Then God answered all my prayers…when I opened wide my heart and embraced you there.

You’re my Angel…Miracle…now you are here within my life..
He has Blessed me yet again…Breathed life through me again.
You’re My Angel

Life is just a moment…we’re blowin’ with the wind.
We are trying to find our way.
And only time can tell us how our lives unfold…but…
Spirit will surround us.

When there is darkness all around us
The light will guide you on.
Spirit will ease your troubled mind.

God answered all my prayers... is with me and always cares.
Mia Angelina…A Miracle… sending you here to be in my life.
God gives shelter from the rain…Gave hope to me again..
You’re My Angel…Miracle…you bring love into my life.
You are My Angel.

Mia Angelina…My Miracle.
Your what I’m thankful for.
I have been released from all the pain…
there is joy within again.

My Angel…My daughter…Mia

written by Katrina Mia
Mia's Lullaby

For O so long…I had this dream…to hold you in my arms.
To pull you close…and stroke your hair…. Embraced by all your charms.

Now here you. …Just a babe…love brought you here to me.
The innocence within your gaze. …God’s love has left a trace.

I hold your I kiss your face….I look within your eyes…and find a door that’s opened there where spirits love abides

I love you so…I love you so…

We’ve just begun…our journey now…a promise I will keep
To be with you, to learn with you, You’ve made my life complete.

I Love you so…I love you so…

Speak your first words…and call to me …I watch over as you sleep…
Take your first steps…and if you fall…give comfort while you weep.

We’ll laugh and play and “Dance the Dance”…as time is quickly spent…
The years will come; the years will go…I’ll wonder where they went.

I love you so

I’ll turn around, and standing there a woman you will be.
And hopefully when you look at me, “A Mothers love”….you’ll see.

I love you so
My Angel …..I love you so

Words by: Kathleen Peluso copyright 2004
Music by: Rolf Lovland (Songs from a Secret Garden) Papillon

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Children

You are the poems...

I dreamed of writing...

The Master piece I longed to paint…

You are the shining stars I reached for

in my ever-hopeful quest...............

for life fulfilled…..

You are my children…

Now with all things I am blessed.....

Thank you both for joining my Life !

I Love you !


Thursday, October 9, 2008

What is Faith ?

Ok……..What drives me forward…… is Faith………….so what is Faith……….to ME it is everything that makes life worth living…….
I have been told repeatedly that I have the Gift of Faith…
…….as others watch me flesh out my life.
This always surprises me………..because I assume that everyone can operate in faith and am baffled that they don’t.
Why doesn’t everyone move in faith as they go thru life ?
How can they not……….what else is there if you don’t have faith in something ?
Hmmmmmmmmm……Well I thought maybe they need an explanation of what faith is and then they can have it too,……… operate in it be blessed.
So I decided to write out MY definition of what Faith is…..and how it makes sense to ME.
I will try to define this Divine principle and how it works for ME………
So here it goes take a deep breath…….you will see………. I will admit a tad over expressed but if you read it slow……… might have an A…HA moment…….or maybe not…………….Stay with me anyway.
I will break it down into bite size, practical examples and illustrations, and stories and explanations as I go along.
My intention is to shift us out of being stuck over and over in the same old behaviors and move forward into Great Blessings.
Faith comes by hearing……… read this and then read it again aloud.
I will include an audio at some point as I figure out all the tech stuff and set it up.

Operative law of Faith

Faith is a personal focused, concentrated, dominating and deliberate belief,….. desire,…….purpose and hope.
It is………..

A Captured, and bridled and tamed THOUGHT…

A thought that is nourished, cultivated, and deliberately isolated apart from the millions of free flowing thoughts that distract the human mind.
Thought so definite that a feeling resonates in the physical body….
When that feeling stirs in your heart and gut……….it releases an energy that vibrates upward and outward…..
The energy of the thoughts…….NOW feelings……….
convert into a strong vibrating energy…..
synchronizes in harmony with the surrounding and ever present Creative force……….
Harmonizing and magnetizing…With the same energy, power, and unseen properties
that hold the Earth in place and make a seed sprout into a tree.
This force and its substance emanates from what most of us call the Divine….
The I AM.
Our thoughts, then feelings in our bodies, send out the vibration….
it is translated and converted in this Divine substance and force of Light.
A definable, purposeful, and tangible Physical form of existence and expression is created.
The thought is boom-a-ranged back towards us with momentum
especially if spoken out loud.
Creating physical manifestation, circumstances and form…
What goes around comes around………make sure you think good thoughts !
A thought went out something came back with it.
Every Action has an equal Reaction.
When it does……….is it not evidence of the Existence of Spiritual flow and Creative powers….?
Our partnership with I am and the established laws of creation….
Is it not a confirmation if only to the Thinker of the original thought…..increasing faith……encouraging to again operate in faith…
It is when your desire to become Aware and believe that we are Co-creators…..
only then may we harness this principle for our good instead of in ignorance.
It works always…….
Believe and you shall receive
whatever you think about the most…….you shall get back.
and the things you fear the most will come upon you….
First step is what you and How you THINK.
Focused Thoughts will manifest what can be experienced or beheld….
This is the first step to changing your circumstances and life, for the good or bad.
Without faith it is impossible to please God..
because you must believe The Divine IS………as much as you ARE !
Awareness of what faith is and how to incorporate it into your life is the cornerstone
to living an Abundant life…….
Renew your mind….Now…… today….and whatever is good, Abundant, and pure,…
think on these thoughts.
Faith just means a commitment to a certain way of thinking
and then acting upon whatever reveals itself to you.
Be Faithful to the Blessed thoughts….and become Aware of what happens when your prayers, desires, intentions come to be.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen….

Act in Faith Act as If it IS TRUE…..Katrina