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For over 30 years I have researched Religion, Science and Philosophies and continue to do so. It has been my quest to know how to integrate mind, body and soul. The Awareness of how to live in joy, peace, and power over my own destiny. Co-create my life, move the Mountains and Walk on water ...How about you? I will share my thoughts, revelations and resources; thru Newsletters and programs designed so that you may also become Aware on how to live the Abundant Life. Click the link to my virtual Office and let me help you live the Abundant life Now ! Or go to my website to recieve my Newsletter "Living Awarenesss"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What is Faith ?

Ok……..What drives me forward…… is Faith………….so what is Faith……….to ME it is everything that makes life worth living…….
I have been told repeatedly that I have the Gift of Faith…
…….as others watch me flesh out my life.
This always surprises me………..because I assume that everyone can operate in faith and am baffled that they don’t.
Why doesn’t everyone move in faith as they go thru life ?
How can they not……….what else is there if you don’t have faith in something ?
Hmmmmmmmmm……Well I thought maybe they need an explanation of what faith is and then they can have it too,……… operate in it be blessed.
So I decided to write out MY definition of what Faith is…..and how it makes sense to ME.
I will try to define this Divine principle and how it works for ME………
So here it goes take a deep breath…….you will see………. I will admit a tad over expressed but if you read it slow……… might have an A…HA moment…….or maybe not…………….Stay with me anyway.
I will break it down into bite size, practical examples and illustrations, and stories and explanations as I go along.
My intention is to shift us out of being stuck over and over in the same old behaviors and move forward into Great Blessings.
Faith comes by hearing……… read this and then read it again aloud.
I will include an audio at some point as I figure out all the tech stuff and set it up.

Operative law of Faith

Faith is a personal focused, concentrated, dominating and deliberate belief,….. desire,…….purpose and hope.
It is………..

A Captured, and bridled and tamed THOUGHT…

A thought that is nourished, cultivated, and deliberately isolated apart from the millions of free flowing thoughts that distract the human mind.
Thought so definite that a feeling resonates in the physical body….
When that feeling stirs in your heart and gut……….it releases an energy that vibrates upward and outward…..
The energy of the thoughts…….NOW feelings……….
convert into a strong vibrating energy…..
synchronizes in harmony with the surrounding and ever present Creative force……….
Harmonizing and magnetizing…With the same energy, power, and unseen properties
that hold the Earth in place and make a seed sprout into a tree.
This force and its substance emanates from what most of us call the Divine….
The I AM.
Our thoughts, then feelings in our bodies, send out the vibration….
it is translated and converted in this Divine substance and force of Light.
A definable, purposeful, and tangible Physical form of existence and expression is created.
The thought is boom-a-ranged back towards us with momentum
especially if spoken out loud.
Creating physical manifestation, circumstances and form…
What goes around comes around………make sure you think good thoughts !
A thought went out something came back with it.
Every Action has an equal Reaction.
When it does……….is it not evidence of the Existence of Spiritual flow and Creative powers….?
Our partnership with I am and the established laws of creation….
Is it not a confirmation if only to the Thinker of the original thought…..increasing faith……encouraging to again operate in faith…
It is when your desire to become Aware and believe that we are Co-creators…..
only then may we harness this principle for our good instead of in ignorance.
It works always…….
Believe and you shall receive
whatever you think about the most…….you shall get back.
and the things you fear the most will come upon you….
First step is what you and How you THINK.
Focused Thoughts will manifest what can be experienced or beheld….
This is the first step to changing your circumstances and life, for the good or bad.
Without faith it is impossible to please God..
because you must believe The Divine IS………as much as you ARE !
Awareness of what faith is and how to incorporate it into your life is the cornerstone
to living an Abundant life…….
Renew your mind….Now…… today….and whatever is good, Abundant, and pure,…
think on these thoughts.
Faith just means a commitment to a certain way of thinking
and then acting upon whatever reveals itself to you.
Be Faithful to the Blessed thoughts….and become Aware of what happens when your prayers, desires, intentions come to be.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen….

Act in Faith Act as If it IS TRUE…..Katrina